About Cory

Hi my name is Cory and and I go to White Oak Middle School. I love to play sports such as Football and Baseball. Hope you like my Blog.


Ever heard of a ”Name Brand”? We’ll let me tell ya. They are pieces of clothing with a little tag on it, with a name like ”Nike” on it. Also they’re A RIP-OFF! A regular artical of clothing cost about 19 dollars, right? We’ll a name brand cost About 10 times more! Why Should we have to pay this much for shoes or a jacket, or even just a plain old sock! From experience, I have learned that a Name Brand ruins easier than a regular piece of clothing. They don’t have as much quality as a regular also! It’s so unfair to the customer. name Brands are just scams to fool you into buying their products.OMG!


Return of the Mamoth

Scientist are planning to bring back the wooly Mamoth and clone the DNA, hoping to bring back the species.

What Is your opinion on this? I for one think bringing an extinct animal back is a horrible idea! Its’ extinct for a reason right!?!

What if the experament goes wrong? Thousands of millions down the drain. Also, what if it does work? where would it live? Did we bring it back for nothing? lastly, what if it goes crazy and attacks us!!!

I suppose people could come from all over the world to see it, But what if everyone fought over who got it!

I’m just trying to say that this is at terrible idea and you should belive me.